Monday February 17 , 2025


Personal Injury: The Painful Truth

If you are trying to recover damages from the insurance company of the person who has caused your injuries or even from your own insurance company, it’s time to learn more about filing a personal injury lawsuit on an insurance claim.

Make no mistake, you want an experienced lawyer by your side as early as possible in this process. A personal injury lawyer who has successfully handled insurance claims may give you an advantage in getting the best possible settlement or court decision possible.

Read more: Personal Injury: The Painful Truth


To Probate or Not To Probate? That is the Question.

Probate is the legal process of enforcing the terms of a person’s Will, seeing that all the unfinished debts and taxes are paid, and that the remaining assets are distributed. Texas law provides several different legal procedures which can all be labeled probate. The appropriate process must be selected by your survivors, in consultation with their attorney, depending on the circumstances that exist after your death.

Read more: To Probate or Not To Probate? That is the Question.


Car Wrecks

Thousands of car wrecks occur every year, with many leading to serious and fatal injuries. Unfortunately, surviving a vehicle accident does not mean one’s problems are over. For many, attempting to restore their lives after a car accident may only be the beginning of a lengthy, difficult process. A motor vehicle accident can result from simple driver error or negligent acts such as drunk driving, which may warrant legal action so that victims in these cases may receive just compensation for damages or car wreck injuries.

Read more: Car Wrecks


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